Thursday, September 6, 2012

The PNGP Saga - Ch. 6 - The Times Of Mourning, Healing and Parting of Ways

(Changed Title from Previous Chapters Note) 
  The start of this new era of PNGP, began with the creation of the PNGP Vendor Network Group on Facebook. This is a new, free group/page that is designed to help other small business owners who utilize events for marketing, to find events that allow booth promotions. To promote this new quasi-service, we began to research heavily in the local events area to find any events that allowed service vendors, and promoted their details heavily on the page. We created a specialized flyer for the group that vendors could print out, and we could hand out at events. This was soon followed, by a month of weekends promoting our services at event booths.
   We attended the events that we were able to, and began to hand out information, promoted directly to the vendors attending the events we were at. We received some very good feedback from this, and the page numbers began to grow, as did the feedback through the page. We also promoted the group via online directories (too a lesser extent than our main service), and other such methods. To this day, this has been an excellent way to get to know the community, other service providers and event hosts.
  Sadly, with the peaks in life, come the valleys too. Our valley, began when I received news of my mom's Great Dane, Lizzie passing away. I'd spent most of my time with her when I lived with my mom, prior to moving out into the world on my own back in 2010. The news of her going over the rainbow bridge in the sky, to run freely and happily, and most importantly of all, in peace,  was a huge blow to me. The grieving period was long and weary. In the end, I came to a conclusion that we all should know that our loved ones are never really gone, just hard to see, but always looking out for us from above.
  As if in sync with the changes, poor Digby began to have good days and bad days again, adding to the sadness still hanging about in the air. Despite the emotionally trying times, the business continued to grow and expand around us, beginning to grow more dynamic, and the household began to follow suit.Amidst all these company changes, various needs and interests within the household began to change too. Much self-searching, self-exploration and self-discovery followed in the wake of Lizzie's passing for me. I believe the same held true for both, Katrina and James individually,  throughout July in their own ways. In the healing process, new needs came into existence too, for all household members individually and these too, each specific to themselves.
  A critical time in the PNGP family had been reached, and the new needs had to be discussed and handled accordingly for the better of all involved. The end decision was eventually reached mutually, and brought into being, a new PNGP Era. The decision reached was, PNGP remaining as it was but, Katrina and Digby, would be parting ways with the household. They had to follow their own new calling and path in life that would better suit their needs.
      This decision came about for many reasons, but none of them made it any easier for anyone involved, nor less painful. Our choice was not due to any form of a failure of the company or of us as partners. We accept our choice, and acknowledge that our company was successfully started, run and improved over the course of the previous year and a half, and has continued to do so since. We are at peace with our choices, and thus, PNGP has begun to move into a new phase of the PNGP Saga, The Times of Exploring the Unknown.

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If you would like to learn more about Pack n' Go Pets Exclusive, a kennel and In-Home dog sitting alternative, or are interested in the Pack n' Go Pets Vendor Network Group, feel free to contact me personally!